This micro-short drama is a light-hearted comedy theme focusing on warm, healing group portraits. It describes the lives of various characters: an elderly person left alone as their children go abroad, a successful yet single middle-aged man, a single woman who escapes arranged marriage pressures by traveling, a divorced single mother raising a child, and a man who had planned a proposal trip only to be unexpectedly broken up with. By a stroke of luck, all of them end up joining the same travel group during the Spring Festival. While the rest of the world is joyously celebrating the Spring Festival and Valentine’s Day, these lonely individuals find themselves following a bumbling tour guide, encountering conflicts along the way. However, they all eventually find healing in the world-class tourist city of Guilin, with its various rural sceneries and cultural warmth, providing comfort to one another. Amidst the travel, they also find solutions to the various problems in their lives.
72分钟,共18集,每集4分钟 18 Eps, 4 Mins/Ep, total 72 Mins
梁帅,LIANG Shuai,0086-13481064799