Chao Yue


Set against the backdrop of Beijing’s successful bid in 2015 to host the 2022 Winter Olympics, the story follows a young woman Chen Mian who has made short track speed skating her lifelong goal. She goes from an amateur to an athlete playing for the national team. Zheng Kaixin, a former member of the China's short track speed skating team, founded the local team at Qingdao to discover newcomers with potential. Buoyed by her love for the sport, Chen Mian doesn't think twice about joining. Along the way, she stumbles many times and always gets up in her journey of becoming a national athlete. Chen Mian finally wins her father Chen Jingye's approval. Surprisingly, Chen Jingye and Zheng Kaixin used to be close friends when they were in the national team. They shed blood, sweat and tears to bring glory to their country, yet ultimately parted ways due to the heavy pressure to win the gold medal. As the older generation retires, the new generation inherits their spirit of sportsmanship. Chen Mian is ready to represent China at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.