鲛人长意历经千难万阻,终从奸人手中救回昔日爱人纪云禾,却又一个反手 将其囚禁起来。一生渴望自由的纪云禾几度欲逃,都被长意捉了回来,却仍是固执地不愿解释自己当日的背叛全是为了成全长意的自由。长意嘴上说恨不得杀了纪云禾,但总忍不住偷偷对纪云禾关怀备至、照料周全。两人度过了一段别扭却微甜的同居生活。后来,强军来袭,纪云禾不忍生灵涂炭,不惜以残命化解了一场恶战。长意虽答应云禾要守护这片她热爱的土地,却也随着纪云禾烟消云散而封闭了自己的情感。直到某一天,纪云禾化作小狐狸重新回到他的身边。这再续情缘的机会来之不易,曾因误会而遗憾错过的二人,决定不再蹉跎、好好珍惜彼此,终解开心结,互表心意,再次携手并肩,共同对抗邪恶力量,守护四海八荒的太平。
Ji Yunhe is the most powerful and talented demon master living in Demon Valley. She is proud of her ability to tame any demon. Surprisingly, she is enchanted by merman Changyi. Their relationship starts from that of control and being controlled. Keeping company with the merman has Yunhe becoming closer to him. After a series of conspiracies and misunderstandings, they break free of all the barriers to become each other's salvation. However, the two have to make the fateful choice between Yunhe’s freedom and the merman’s. The lovers spontaneously choose to sacrifice for each other. Yunhe takes an earlier action than Changyi by designing a trap to stab Changyi off the cliff. Changyi hates Yunhe for her betrayal, but he doesn’t know Yunhe has planned everything for him. Yunhe desperately helped Changyi to intercept the pursuers, while she was captured and imprisoned in endless darkness, suffering years of torture. After going through all kinds of hardships, Changyi becomes a respected master, but he never forgets Ji Yunhe. Changyi bravely fights against the brutal powers and saves Yunhe and other innocents out of the hell. And their stories are still going on…
朱靓捷 ,+86 139 8986 9108