The story is about the arduous journey of Wang Yangming in his pursuit of Neo–Confucians, sticking to the immortal values of "Worth, Work, Words" throughout his legendary life. It deplicts Wang's experiences amidst the ever-changing tides of time, whether be his imprisonment in Jiangbei, political chaos by Liujin or later exile to Guizhou. Despite of numerous ups and downs, he remained unwavering and ultimately enlightened in Longchang, breaking free from the constraint of "study the nature of things”, promoting the doctrines of "extension of innate knowledge" and “unity of knowing and acting”, opening up a new ideological realm for the Chinese nation. Yangming’s philosophy encourages each individual to seek truth and elevate their understanding of life, work, and learning. It also presents the Chinese spirit, Chinese values and Chinese strength.
45分钟*40集 45 mins*40 Episodes
裘正阳,QIU ZHENGYANG,13967199415